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Dear CRCC Members :

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of a long time friend and club member Bob Schoonover.

Bob passed away peacefully on Sunday with family by his side at St. Judes Hospital in Fullerton after a return of pancreatic cancer that spread to his liver. Bob and wife Jan joined the club on May 18, 2009 and drove a 1997 torch red Corvette. Their CB handle was "Scooter". Bob served as our Sgt at Arms during club meetings and was our Santa Clause at all of our Christmas Banquets, including our last one just a few weeks ago.

Bob loved the water, especially the Colorado River and spent many years boating and jet skiing along its shores. His love for the outdoors included off roading, and shooting guns on many of our back trails here in Arizona. I personally went out with Bob on three (3) different occasions and we got stuck each and every time. I used to ask him....."Hey Bob, where are we?" His answer was always, "I don't know"...... The last time we somehow got "high centered" on a boulder and couldn't move. It was late afternoon, and getting dark so I called Jim Robinson and past President Gale Allen, both Marines to come out and find us. Bob wanted to stay overnight with the vehicle and I told him ...."Bob, I love you dearly, but I'm not spending the night out here with you, so let's start walking". After shooting off some fireworks to help pinpoint our coordinates, we finally got picked up by Jim and Gale just as it was getting dark, and went out the next morning to rescue the Ranger off road vehicle.

Bob and wife Jan who passed a few years ago were also very big autocross fans and would participate in many of the sponsored Corvette events. They won many championship trophies, some so large, they hardly fit in the Corvette. They were both very competitive with each other which made it fun to listen to them argue a bit, although Bob would admit, "she was the better driver". They won several car show trophies as well with their torch red C5 Corvette due to all the work Bob had put into dressing up the engine and the overall look of his Corvette. Bob and Jan were also huge bowlers for many years, that's how they met, and played on many bowling leagues including the football league here in Bullhead City.

Bob had a very successful career as a truck driver, driving both locally and cross country. He started his driving career at age 18 as an owner operator and worked the remaining years with JB Hunt where he received a distinguished driving award for driving two (2) million safe miles without an accident. A very proud moment for Bob. He would always complain that the motors on his semi-trucks had "governors" on them and he couldn't go faster than 68 miles an hour! Bob as you know liked to "push the pedal" a bit.

Bob was a kind and loving person, and a friend to everyone who knew him. He would volunteer for anything, and was always available to help anyone who needed it. He was very involved with the Relay for Life American Cancer Society programs here in Bullhead City helping to raise money for cancer research. He would dress up as "Miss Relay" and actually won a couple of contests. Bob loved to have fun and kid around as you can see by his picture below with Debbie Hendren, who became the love of his life and shared a very special relationship.

Life is what you make it, and Bob made it beautiful. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.

Services will be this spring next to the Colorado River which was a favorite and peaceful playground for Bob.

God Bless our friend Bob Schoonover.

Greg Attl


Congratulations to our 2024 CRCC Award Winners Shown Below

         Bob Roethler
     President's Award

His calm demeanor, attention to detail and easy-going style in planning and organizing activities is second to none.  On the longer road trips, the "books" he produces are time consuming, but are also a "work of art", full of information, points of interest and complete with detailed itinerary. He is also very involved in the day-to-day decisions with the President and the Board during monthly Zoom meetings, and his opinions are well respected.

Always approachable - and with a smile on his face, we are thankful for his leadership, commitment, dedication and ongoing support to the Colorado River Corvette Club.

It is a great pleasure to present this year's President's Award to the one and "only" Bob Roethler.



Debbie Jenkins, Chris Roethler & Jo-Ann Leeming
                          Volunteer's Award

Volunteers are the cornerstone of any club and are vital to its success. 


The Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes individual members, outside of the Board of Directors, for their “valuable and selfless” commitment, and contributions made to members of, and for this club. 


Our club is very lucky to have members who volunteer when needed without being asked and they do it regardless of the situation, or the time of day, or whether it is club related or not….. they are there to offer a hand. 


For their countless hours, dedication and continued support to the Colorado River Corvette Club, it is my pleasure to present the Volunteer of the Year Award to three (3) very deserving ladies who work as a "team" to make our club better. 


Please join me in recognizing our 2024 Volunteers of the Year…known to many as the "Creative One", Ms. Debbie Jenkins; our Hobby Lobby Lady who is always making something "thoughtful and fun" for our road trips, Ms. Chris Roethler; and our gracious "Party Hostess" who is always willing to "open" her home at moment's notice, 

Ms. Jo-Ann Leeming.


Anderson Chevrolet -Sponsorship Award
      General Manager - Jared Anderson
      Marketing Director - Andrea Foote

We are very pleased to have Anderson Chevrolet as our club sponsor.


General Manager Jared Anderson and Marketing Director Andrea Foote and their service team have more than supported our club this year with their $1,500 sponsorship, end of summer Bar BQ at the Kingman dealership, special 20% discounts on parts & service, hats, shirts, jackets, and a generous $1700 sponsorship for our Meoni's Social with Michael Nugent from Las Vegas and our entertainment tonight.

We are very thankful for Anderson's "comfortable way" of doing business, and for their continued support to our members, and to this club including opening up not only the Kingman Dealership, but also Bullhead City and Lake Havasu for their service departments to make it convenient for all of us to get our cars serviced.  We look forward to working with them on several "community events" in 2025.

Please join me in thanking Anderson Chevrolet as well as all of their employees for their commitment, dedication and support to the Colorado River Corvette Club.


Accepting the Sponsorship Award for Marketing Director Andrea Foote, is our own

Marvene Huss.

Club Events/Participation Awards


Bob Beynon & Merna Cothren
Lake Havasu City  -  21 Events

  Tom Micklo & Lani Wimbush (not present) - Bullhead City Area  -  33 Events


Chuck & Connie Sanders - Kingman
Grand Champions  -  35 Events


Roadrunner Mileage Awards


 Dave & Debbie Dorman - Kingman
                       2949.4 Miles


Steve & Lauree Smith - Lake Havasu City
                       2,698.8 Miles



Craig & Jody Narr - Bullhead/Ft. Mohave
Grand Champions - 4,030.0 Miles

The Next Top 10 Highest Roadrunner Mile Winners from all areas:

Dany Billings &  Yvonne Harder

Joanie Barber & Jo-Ann Leemings

Paul & Norma Heeter

Jerry & Becky Vink

Mark & Salli Yates

Tim & Anita Reese

Chuck & Connie Sanders

James & Lisa Clark

Steve & Irma Karam





                          2024  ACTIVITIES TEAM



Activities Team:  Bob Roethler,Dany Billings, Connie Sanders,  Bob Beynon, Rick Powers, Marvene Huss, Steve McClellan,

Frank Musumeci, Greg Attl, Patti Keller, Jim Zaborsky,

George Rapoport, Jack Walker, Ken McMurray, Lou Winget

Chris Roethler


 Road Captains:  Bob Roethler, Greg Attl, Steve Barajas,

Rick Powers, Jack Walker, Steve Karam



And to our Mid-Captains &  Tailgunners: Dave & Debbie Dorman,  Paul Hensel,  Tim and Anita Reese, Sue Hinrichsen, , Steve McClellan, Mark & Patti Keller, Greg Attl



A big “thank you” to all of them!


        2024 Board of Directors      Elected &Appointed 

            For their commitment, dedication and support


Greg Attl-President, Bob Roethler-Vice President,

Bpb Beynon - Treasurer, Joyce Downing - Secretary 

Jim Zaborsky-Governor,

Jack Walker - Membership Director,

Steve Barajas-Membership Team, Cliff Scrivner - Membership Team Debbie Dorman-Webmaster

Marvene Huss-Newsletter Editor & Social Media,

Laurie Glass & Debbie Jenkins-Activities/"Fun"draising

Regina Musumeci, FB Celebrations  (not pictured)

Anita Reese-Quartermaster,

 Pat Attl and Julie Allison-Quartermaster Team 

Bob Schoonover-Sargeant at Arms 


Congratulations on 25+ years as a Member of the Colorado River Corvette Club!

         Joanie Barber     
      Charter Member

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Colorado River Corvette Club Members with 15+ years!

Greg & Pat Attl  


Bob & Barbara Rich 


Kevin & Gloria Gilson

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Colorado River Corvette Club Members with 10+ years!

Judy Winner

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Jim Raymond   

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Howard & Barbara Foss

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Bob & Laurie Glass


Jack & Pat Walker


Steve & Cathy Barajas


Other Members with 5 or more years in the Colorado River Corvette Club:


Scott & Marilyn Davis 

Tim & Anita Reese 

Rick Powers & Marvene Huss 

JoAnn Leeming 

 Horacene Daugird

Lee & Sandra Test 

Dave & Debbie Dorman

John & Bonnie Meyers

Tom & Linda Martin

 Sue Hinrichsen

Lilla Bergman

Linda Shreve

Steve & Irma Karam

Trish & Cliff Scrivner

Bill & Linda Strunk

Paul & Beth Hensel

Don Reid & Georgia Eddy

Frank & Regina Musumeci

Dave & Barbara Barlow

Bob Beynon

Bill  Vlahos

Danny Snyder

Larry & Debbie Jenkins

Jim Zaborsky

Ron Ratz & Sharon Johnson

Gary & Joyce Downing

Doris Laubacher

Merna Cothran

Sue Daugherty

Don & Karen Kern

Ken Mc Muray

Bob & Chris Roethler

Brent & Rae Thomas






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